Reports Against Students

Once student procedures are initiated

The parties are notified, and the Respondent is informed of the allegations and scheduled to discuss the process with the appropriate university officials. The investigation may include, but is not limited to, interviews with the Complainant, Respondent, and witnesses as well as examination of written statements by the parties, relevant documents, and other relevant information.

At the end of the investigation, the university’s investigator creates an Investigation Report and provides notice to the parties of any and all relevant charges and next steps. Parties have the option of providing comment to the Investigation Report before it is finalized.

Sexual misconduct hearing

If Sexual Misconduct Hearing is held, it is a closed hearing conducted by a three-person panel of trained faculty, staff, and graduate students. All parties may be accompanied by an advisor of their choosing. During the hearing, the Chair of the panel reviews the charges against the Respondent, who may respond. The parties are provided the opportunity to participate, and the panel asks questions.

After the hearing

Following the Hearing, the panel deliberates without the parties present, determines responsibility by a preponderance of evidence and, where appropriate, determines sanctions.

Possible sanctions include:

  • Finding of Responsibility: sanctions may be imposed and both parties notified in writing
  • No finding of Responsibility: both parties notified in writing

Options other than a sexual misconduct hearing

Alternative Resolution

Alternative Resolution options may be used in cases with the consent of all parties, but may be ended at any time in favor of sexual misconduct hearing.

Acceptance of Responsibility

The Acceptance of Responsibility option may be used in cases where the facts are not generally in dispute and the Respondent accepts responsibility. Appeal is limited.

Opportunity for appeal

Either party may appeal the decision within 10 days of written notice on the following basis:

  • Significant procedural error
  • Sanctions grossly disproportionate to violation

Notice of the appeal outcome is provided to the parties after the appeal.

Once student procedures are initiated

Step 1

The parties are notified, and the Respondent is informed of the allegations and scheduled to discuss the process with the appropriate university officials. The investigation may include, but is not limited to, interviews with the Complainant, Respondent, and witnesses as well as examination of written statements by the parties, relevant documents, and other relevant information.

At the end of the investigation, the university’s investigator creates an Investigation Report and provides notice to the parties of any and all relevant charges and next steps. Parties have the option of providing comment to the Investigation Report before it is finalized.

Sexual misconduct hearing

Step 2

The investigation may include, but is not limited to:

  • Interviews with the Complainant, Respondent, and witnesses
  • Examination of written statements by the parties, relevant documents, and other relevant information

The university's investigator creates an Investigation Report and provides notice to the parties of any and all relevant charges and next steps.

If Sexual Misconduct Hearing is held, it is a closed hearing conducted by a three-person panel of trained faculty, staff, and graduate students. All parties may be accompanied by an advisor of their choosing. During the hearing, the Chair of the panel reviews the charges against the Respondent, who may respond. The parties are provided the opportunity to participate, and the panel asks questions.

After the hearing

Following the Hearing, the panel deliberates without the parties present, determines responsibility by a preponderance of evidence and, where appropriate, determines sanctions.

Possible sanctions include:

  • Finding of Responsibility: sanctions may be imposed and both parties notified in writing
  • No finding of Responsibility: both parties notified in writing

Options for proceeding after the investigation

  • Alternative Resolution options may be used in cases with the consent of all parties, but may be ended at any time in favor of sexual misconduct hearing.


Email with any questions you may have.