Bringing Recovery Awareness, Voices and Engagement (IUSBBrave)
IUSBBrave seeks to create a living and learning community free from sexual violence through: (1) orienting all new students to sexual assault safety/reporting guidelines (2) engaging in year-round trainings (3) increasing survivor use of IUSB counseling services and better identifying and addressing the impact of sexual violence for all Student Counseling Center clients.
The Campus Health and Wellness Center
The Campus Health and Wellness Center provides information, resources, and health and counseling services for the IUSB campus.
The Student Counseling Center
The Student Counseling Center provides sexual assault awareness and bystander engagement training on campus.
The Women’s & Gender Studies program
The Women’s & Gender Studies program provides the university community with educational materials on sexual assault and rape prevention at the annual Michiana Monologues program.
Circle of 6
Circle of 6 is a free phone application that prevents violence before it happens. This application allows Indiana University South Bend students to contact trusted friends when in need for assistance when concerned for their safety. You can request rides, ask them to call you so you can step out, and ask for advice all within your “circle”.
MSB is available 24/7 for information on drugs, alcohol, sexual violence, and other health and wellness issues that can affect students and their success.